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Can you Hack Your Biological Age? | Ben Greenfield
2 mins
1. Add 100mg theanine to coffee # Balances neurotransmitter that causes jitteriness. 2. 5 minutes hot-cold shower: 20s cold, 10s hot # Get your head cold for blood brain barrier integrity. In cyro therapy, put your head as low as possible. 3. Breathing # Increase CO2 to push oxygen into your body.
Hero Genius Legend - Robin Sharma (Mindvalley)
2 mins
Genius is not about your genetics. Genius is about habits. My dominant commitment is to work towards a 6 figure SaaS. With better awareness, you make better choices. Don’t be addicted to distractions - your mobile. It’s the death of your production. Addiction to entertainment will deny you world class.
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
16 mins
book summary naval how to live
On Love # If you have nothing in your life, but you have at least one person that loves you unconditionally, it’ll do wonders for your self-esteem. On Reading # Books make for great friends, because the best thinkers of the last few thousand years tell you their nuggets of wisdom.
Skip the line
16 mins
book summary james-altucher how to live
The key to skipping the line is to constantly live in the world of “not knowing. To constantly be curious but not threatened by what’s next. The 1 Percent Rule # 1 percent up or 1 percent down each day will define you long term. 10,000 Experiments # What makes a good experiment?
7 mins
book summary willpower
The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. The Radish Experiment # To avoid smirking at the next meeting, refrain from any strenuous mental exercises beforehand. And feel free to think about all the white bears you want. Because controlling not to think about the about white bears deplete your willpower.
What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People
13 mins
book summary communication
I’m not trying to be a better lie detector. I picked this book to develop a sixth-sense empathy in other people. If one is showing signs of being uncomfortable when I propose a solution, I could address the feeling without asking directly - because people tend to be polite and say everything is okay.
Read to create
1 min
Whenever I felt the need to read a book, I ask myself “What can I write?” Reading puts my mind into passive mode. It’s spoon feeding my mind. Writing is creating and it’s not easy to start. I had countless times used books to procrastinate writing my next line of code or blog post.
The Courage to Be Disliked
5 mins
book summary
Adlerian psychology can be summarised into these points: Self-acceptance have confidence in others separate tasks build horizontal relationships by accepting other’s differences and use encouragement instead of praises or rebuke. contribute to the community be present Trauma doesn’t exist. Trauma isn’t created by the experiences but by us giving meaning to them.
Win Bigly - persuasion in a world where facts don't matter
16 mins
book summary persuasion
31 persuasion tips and study on Trump’s choice of word, actions and persuasion that led him to be elected. 31 Persuasion Tips: # When you identify as part of a group, your opinion tend to be biased toward the group consensus. Human are hardwired to reciprocate favors. If you want someone’s cooperation in the future, do something for that person today.
You are a badass every day
5 mins
book summary how to live
Please do not waste your one and only chance to be the you that is you on planet Earth screwing around with excuses when you have the power to create whatever you desire. The excellent thing about living as a human being on planet Earth is that you have the almighty power of choice, which means you get to choose between achieving success and giving up.